Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Hike 6, Weaver's Needle, 31 October - the Decision

 I haven't really written much about the hikes leading up to this one - mainly because I don't remember many of the details. For this reason, I feel it is important to write down all the details of this one before I forget them - plus, I'm catching everyone up.

Some of the experiences are so tender, it's debatable if I should share - but as today is the day after election day, I think everyone may need a reminder about WHO is actually in charge of this whole world, so here goes.

Just your average week, my friend CK reaches out to me to see where we're hiking this weekend.  I report our potential plans, he gets assigned to figure out a hike for us.

We meet at our regular 430 am so we can be on the trail by 545/6 am. Weaver's Needle Loop is the trail - a pinch less than 13 GPS miles, we can do it. Longest hike thus far, but we're building to a grander hike, so now or never!

We hiked to our first rest stop - DK climbed into the cave before we got there and out - and I kid you not, as we were sitting there...chhhhchhhchhh....what the!? I flew up and stood away cuz I ain't gettin bit by no rattle snake!  We were confused because DK was exploring and NOTHING happened until this moment...a raccoon? A different critter? We didn't take much time to figure out what it was - finished our snacks and carried on our merry little way.

one of my favs

Photo credits to CK.

OH! Side note - I purchased a larger pack cuz at Flat Iron, it barely held what I would want for a day, so I wanted to make sure to have enough space - so I was carrying everything I would want with me on the Grand Canyon hike, turns out there were many blessings from listening to bring nail clippers, gatorade chews, and - because we'd run out of water hiking flat iron - we all had brought MUCH more.

We kept hiking, traversed through some fire damage, then we made it to Fremont Saddle.

After more fire damage, another eating break, we took a SPECIAL break! We'd made it halfway!

This one makes me think of a painting

So, now we start heading back.  Given that there were 6 of us - that's 6 different bodies with 6 different packs who move 6 different ways who are all 6 different miracles.

I'm actually kinda tired of typing right now - but know - 6 people, one hike = many miracles of prayers answered, promptings followed - and know: there's a God who knows you, your world, and what you need. Sometimes the last 2-3 miles of a journey are neverending and all you want is the parking lot. Sometimes, you need to look to the light, sometimes you need to wanter in the wilderness, sometimes you need to pray, sometimes you need to accept help, and sometimes you just need to count your blessings. There is NO boulder you can't overcome, follow the path. You're NEVER alone, there are footprints if you look for them, there is a reason you bring extra water, Gatorade chews, extra water, and flip flops - and you listen to your nurse who gives you an anti-inflamatory so it doesn't hurt as bad. These are all literal examples, but can be applied in many facets and channels of life.

You are loved. You are crucial. You are a part of a puzzle of 1, even 6 - that wouldn't be complete without you.

Sparkle on.

PS - the decision? After 15 miles in 12 hours....GC will wait until March.

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