Thursday, July 16, 2020

Beans, the devil's secret weapon

Okay, so I truly debated whether or not to share this one... But I just was going on and on about integrity and authenticity, so here goes. The menu I put together for this week had beans on it. So, when it's bean soup on the menu and when I saw bean soup mix at my favorite store, WinCo, I got about a quarter to a third cup and had a plan. The plan was this:

I knew from hearing people inpin  you have to soak beans before you cook them! So, my well-planned idea, looking at my menu for the next day... I put them in a bowl and, so pretty! I soaked them overnight :-) probably, I would say, 16 hours. Adequate, right?

Well, when it came time to eat lunch, I didn't know how long to cook them. I had sprinkled seasoning salt in the water, didn't change the water... Important to note...(read the linked article, that comment will make sense) And I figured 2 minutes, the water came to a boil... I let him sit for a while before I actually got to eating them, and then I ate them.

Some of them are still crunchy, but I thought, oh heck!? It'll be okay, it's a bean! Notice the many beautiful beans in this concoction. Lentils, black-eyed peas, kidney beans, lima beans, beans I probably didn't even know where beans!

A side note is this, a couple weeks ago I had sworn off beans. I had sworn them off because... I got clever. I decided I was going to make a bean salad! They are good for you. Fiber, protein, how can you go wrong with a bean? So, I dumped a can of black beans, a can of cannellini beans, a can of chickpeas... I don't really recall what else was in there to be honest, and I had this beautiful bowl of bean salad. Well... After about three days of eating a quarter to a half a cup a day... My digestive system was, unhappy to say the least. I literally felt like it must feel like to be 10 months pregnant. I was so bloated, it was ridiculous! At that moment, I swore off beans... That was until I saw this menu, that seemed so perfect..

So, on to today... I never believed that food could make you sick within an hour unless it was poisoned or something, because in biology you learned that it takes however many hours for stuff to get through your system blah blah blah...

After about an hour... I started not feeling so very well... It continued and continued and continued... I was so bummed because I was supposed to have a date with my niece, which I kept. We went swimming, but I literally was in the bathroom at some points every 15 minutes earlier in the day. The thing is, I don't get sick. Not like this. I might get a sinus infection, a headache here and there... Usually from dehydration, when I throw up... It's been two significantly abominably stressful times in my life that were the most difficult ever... Like EHHHVER!... I learned I get stress tummy, but other than that, I'm usually pretty golden, so... When my tummy started with the gurgling and had a lot to say... I was pondering what the heck was going on...

I knew that there was some stress in my life, but knowing that I deal with stress by puking... sorry if this is TMI friends, but I promised authentic! Haha... anyways, I was trying to figure out what was wrong. When I was with my mom, I finally asked her... I was going through what I had been eating... I explained that this menu I was actually more excited about because it's more food I would normally eat, just put together and creative ways. I knew it probably wasn't the vegetables because I've been consistently eating vegetables for months now! Not that I've not gone days without them, I have! But it shouldn't be a shock to my system at this point to eat a salad, for Pete's sake!

Well, then... We got to the bean soup... Like Linus and Charlie Brown Christmas, she said that's it! Maybe not that emphatic, but she was sure that it was the beans that were making me sick. Now, I don't know if it is every daughter or if it is just me, because I'm kind of this way in most aspects of life, my brother calls me Doubting Thomasina, actually... It's true, I am :-( So I didn't believe her. I couldn't believe that such good things that were put on this Earth, that when you are boiling the ham bone after Thanksgiving to make beautifully yummy delicious tootie bean soup, that that could make you sick! Like, SIIIIIICCK!

Said my good byes, kissed my niece, told her I loved her... Get in the vehicle and I googled it... And guess what? When you have a biologist as a mother, you should probably trust her... She has a scientific mind, years of experience over my own, and... She survived a lot.

Read about Deadly Beans

There you go! I, in fact, I'm currently suffering a bout of food poisoning because I wasn't patient enough, nor did I know better, to cook beans for hours... Not 2 minutes, but hours. (as long as I am better by my Sprite-a-saurus's baptism!)

I love you so much that I shared my story with you to prevent you from experiencing it yourself! Please don't be a Doubting Thomas or Doubting Thomasina. Your digestive system will thank you. Sparkle on.

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