Thursday, June 18, 2020

Raspberries? More like oranges!

With all of the races being cancelled, my motivation to train has been kaput. Well, that's not good - especially if I'm trying to get better, healthier, and be the best me. Living the Word of Wisdom (Law of Health) is a big thing, and I have the desire - but the motivation is what's often lacking. Especially at 5:45 in the morning after a restless sleep.

Well, kicking these issues in the pants, slowly. I'd been thinking about getting a weighted blanket for a while, then my sister-friend was out and about and saw one, asked me if I wanted her to pick it up - I said SURE!

I slept great that night.  I forgot to turn the air down another night and it was at 80, I was thinking the blanket was what was making me hot! Haha....

Step two is diffusing something, I'm not completely sold on every single oil out there, I'm not the FDA, and blah - HOWEVER, DoTERRA has one for upset tummies that is a MIRACLE called Digest Zen - I said goodbye to Pepto 4 years ago and haven't looked back! My sweet friend has been educating me about other oils and things for general health, too I've never been a fan of putting medicines into my body - I know, I know..If I'm not eating organic, etc. etc....but, I control what makes sense and is not overwhelming to me - I value the body God has made and given me, and I think it's pretty stinking amazing at all it can do! I was in a crazy accident on New Years Eve and, though I still have bruises from it, I'm pretty much recovered and haven't even noticed the scar on my right eyelid recently - if you saw my car and my bruises, it's a miracle, no joke.

Well, next was nutrition - I DON'T like cooking. Nope, nope, nope. That's on my list - to have a personal chef. For now, it's moi. I found this meal plan online and have adapted it a pinch here and there, but it's been great!  I love having things prepared and ready for me to grab - thinking one day, shopping one day, cooking one day, eating 7 days! No last minute unhealthy decisions.

The health journey actually started when my brother introduced me to who has become a good friend, inspiration, and a great coach when I was eating a hamburger bun, blueberries, and peanut butter for lunch....he's amazing, encouraging, a great dad and husband - and passionate about what he gets to do.

I have another friend who is a health coach, as well - Dani, she's amazing, too. I got some great recipes from her, and the two programs would marry themselves together. For me, I use ALL the information I learned from BOTH coaches to work towards my healthy.

Mental Health - I've been through some crap and go to counseling every week. It's a beautiful thing. and I'm grateful for the funds to go.

Ugh - so sleep - working on it. Nutrition - working on it! Mental and Emotional - progress. Fitness, in the physical sense. Though I'm not a "regular" cuz of my laziness...I LOVE CrossFit Solid Gold.  There are a bunch in this area - Incite, Preferred, Magestic...just toss it in the Google and you'll find some.  Josh Barney and Becky Preece are pretty cool in my book.  This isn't a gym box where you have to feel intimidated, it's family friendly, all types of people go there...CrossFit can be intimidating when you don't understand it, this gym is one of my favorites. You pay for what you get - if you want a 24/7 place, LA Fitness (I did time here - I liked the movie room and the track, thought it got go HOT, upstairs, and the pool!), Planet Fitness, and EOS - which I've heard great things about.  I like the idea of kickboxing and have secret MMA dreams, but..lack the discipline - anyways, with this small box, you get pretty much 1:1 coaching, even through the pandemic crazy, they are known in the world, and it's relaxed

Well...with working out, being old, and all that...sometimes you need a PT - that's where Dr. Brianne Showman comes in with Get Your Fix she has a super informative podcast, YouTube channel, offers SO much - from programming, nutritional coaching, to downright simple - "Hey, I'm broken...what can you do?"

Lotsa name drops today - but being an Amanda isn't easy. I asked my brother once, "How many people do you think it takes to raise an Amanda, 500?" His reply, "....Thousand" - if you didn't catch that, 500,000 ;-)  SO, these are a few of my peeps that keep me going!  They're not just people who keep me going, but they're my friends, too.

Now to what the title is about...let's just say, me N CrossFit became friends on a new level today, with 200ish AbMat sit ups...I'll just leave this right here for you....

Ever get the burns on your elbows after plank-ups? Yeah...that, on your hiney. It's a real thing, folks. Be prepared.

I had a triathlete in my life at one point - I'd introduced him to baby powder and he discovered a product he swore by...I must say, I stopped at Walmart on the way in to the office to see if they had any, sadly - no! BUT - I'm a gonna find me some and keep it in my gym bag...cuz...bum burn, it's a real thing!

So - there you go, my lovely people!  Sparkle on!

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