Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Faceplants of Gratitude

Howdy, folks! I was so excited because I actually made it to the gym 3x IN A ROW last week. I was a pinch sore, my weaknesses were ever exposed ...and, ok, guys - I did it. I weighed myself. I was nervous and thought about it everyday I put on my pants and they felt snug. Everyday I thought about eating a ginormous (ok, for some, ginormous...those who don't love chocolate cake from Fry's like I do...) piece of cake. Well - GOOD NEWS is - I didn't gain the COVID-19...but there is about a COVID 10 to work with :-(

I guess it could be worse!  I mean...I do eat a bite of cookie dough everyday for making it through. It's my reward to myself for living.😏😆😂

So - legs, hurt...lotsa dumbell thrusters. Arms...left one is a weakling...I have an accountability partner now - WM, I committed to 3x a week and he committed to 4x a week - we don't hit it, we owe the other 20 burpees!

I figured, I would allow myself to have 2 rest days. Then, I had a restless and sleepless night on Sunday, so I awarded myself a third.  Well, can't have 4, SO I googled a workout on my exercise ball. This one to be exact https://youtu.be/Kg6Ra5kbzW8

I am not the most coordinated, so - I was going to do the pushups...and noticed my ball was by my knees, not my ankles, like hers in the video - so, I adjusted and POW! Smacked my cheek on the floor. INSTANT headache - so....that wasn't amazing, but it only lasted 2 minutes, thank goodness for the rug on the tile.  THAT, friends from IG and FB is why I'm grateful for this rug in this post "last night, as I was preparing for bed, I was thinking of resurrecting the hundred-day gratitude challenge. I actually don't know if it was a hundred days, but I remember there was a challenge a while ago. Right now when our psyche, family, city, country, our world is under scrutiny and attack, I think if we planted seeds of gratitude we could see a shift. I'm as cranky as the rest of them, I just started getting back in my rhythm @cf_solid_gold ... So I challenge you to do a hundred days of gratitude. We won't be perfect, but let's spread joy, let's cast out fear with faith, let's look for the good. On day one, I challenge @fioreclaire to join me. One post a day. One gratitude a day. This is my gratitude. To learn why this little space on a rug is what makes me grateful, you'll have to read my blog... When I write that post"

Now, if you know anything about me - I tend to be....can be...stubborn? Persistent? So I wasn't about to let that ball win this morning - so I went to tri dips....after a wobble here and there, I counted it a good effort. I was sure I would have a bruise, but this is the only proof of what happened.

I survived my peeps - I did. I didn't even have a hangover headache, just a dehydration one....

Well, carry on, friends. Sparkle on :D

PS - my rear? Almost back to it's healthy un-monkey rear state :-)

Sparkle on!

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