Friday, January 24, 2020

2020 Begins

Howdy!  I was talking to my friend and physical therapist and it hit me - I want to do a blog. Pretty much, I wanna talk to all y'all who think you're just a little bit ordinary. Those of you who think you can't do something extraordinary.  Those of you who are ordinary but desire a little extra. YOU, my friend, are who I thought of when I was thinking about entertaining the masses through my story.

Here's the long and short - I'm nothing special.  I am not a master web-designer, so whatever this blog site gave me is likely how it's going to stay - unless someone decides to donate their time and resources to me!  With being nothing special - I'm not a super athlete - heck, I don't even really like working out. I grew up in a fashion that didn't lend itself to me being an athlete. Other than a season in softball during middle school and a season of track in high school - I have never been "the athletic type."

In my recent life, this has caused me to get looked down upon, undervalued, intentionally left out due to perceived inferiority, etc. The thing is - working out isn't my life. Do I want it to be? Sometimes? But - I'm also lazy with a capital "L."

Well - there's the point - after many years of doing mudruns here and there - what started off as a goal to prove those naysayers that I'm tough enough has become a year long personal challenge to show MYSELF that I'm pretty awesome. Cuz, let's face it y'all - I am. And YOU are, too. SO - this is what you can brace yourself for:

I'm tired of being ORDINARY and am gonna challenge myself this year to be a little better. I never have set out to be a crazy crossfitter or Spartan racer - but, I'm tired of "just finishing" and getting a participation trophy in the form of a shirt and a medal. PLEASE don't discount the notion that finisher medals mean nothing - they mean EVERYTHING! Everyone runs their race, we have our own obstacles, our own things to overcome. We have our own lives, struggles, strengths, etc.

My goal? To show all y'all that if someone like ME can Spartan Up - YOU can, too. So follow me on this journey throughout the year as I go from just an ordinary finisher to a little bit extra.